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2018-05-14 - 5ds18275 - Chindrieux (73310)

Aricia agestis

2016-08-15 - 5db23416 - Fontainebleau (77300)

Aricia agestis

2016-08-15 - 5db23424 - Fontainebleau (77300)

Aricia agestis

2016-08-15 - 5db23427 - Fontainebleau (77300)

Aricia agestis

2015-05-24 - 5db08238 - Saint-Étienne-aux-Clos (19200)

Callophrys rubi

2017-05-14 - 5db29209 - Notre-Dame-de-la-Mer (78270)

Celastrina argiolus

2014-10-16 - 5db07029 - Aix-les-Bains (73100)

Celastrina argiolus

2014-10-16 - 5db07044 - Aix-les-Bains (73100)

Celastrina argiolus

2005-04-20 - 30010917 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2019-06-23 - 5ds60655 - Saint-Leu-la-Forêt (95320)

Celastrina argiolus

2016-08-21 - 5db23583 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2016-08-21 - 5db23599 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2005-07-10 - 20d_5379 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2010-04-09 - 5d039061 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2010-04-09 - 5d039064 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Celastrina argiolus

2017-09-08 - 5db41838 - Lumio (20260)

Lampides boeticus

2017-09-08 - 5db41843 - Lumio (20260)

Lampides boeticus

2015-09-23 - 5db17138 - Fontainebleau (77300)

Lycaena phlaeas

2008-07-04 - 5d009340 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Lycaena phlaeas

2008-07-04 - 5d009342 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Lycaena phlaeas

2008-07-04 - 5d009354 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Lycaena phlaeas

2016-09-04 - 5db25254 - Auzet (04140)

Lycaena phlaeas

2016-09-04 - 5db25258 - Auzet (04140)

Lycaena phlaeas

2018-08-31 - 5ds40997 - Chastreix (63680)

Lycaena phlaeas

2017-09-09 - 5db42289 - Calenzana (20214)

Lycaena phlaeas

Pierre Duhem — All rights reserved.
Questions and comments are welcome.
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