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2023-06-11 - 5dt25306 - Saint-Hilarion (78125)

Americina sp.

2017-05-27 - 5db30040 - Vialas (48220)

Cordilura ciliata

2017-05-27 - 5db30045 - Vialas (48220)

Cordilura ciliata

2017-05-27 - 5db30016 - Vialas (48220)

Cordilura sp.

2017-04-30 - 5db27310 - Roissy-en-Brie (77680)

Norellisoma spinimanum

2017-04-30 - 5db27316 - Roissy-en-Brie (77680)

Norellisoma spinimanum

2018-08-22 - 5ds39509 - Białowieża (PL-17-230)

Phrosia albilabris

2016-03-18 - 5db17987 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga furcata

2016-03-18 - 5db17990 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga furcata

2016-03-18 - 5db18008 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga furcata

2019-08-08 - 5ds68430 - Bonneval-sur-Arc (73480)

Scathophaga furcata

2019-08-08 - 5ds68437 - Bonneval-sur-Arc (73480)

Scathophaga furcata

2017-03-13 - 5db25473 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga furcata

2019-08-08 - 5ds68554 - Bonneval-sur-Arc (73480)

Scathophaga lutaria

2007-07-27 - 20d81034 - Bessans (73480)

Scathophaga lutaria

2023-08-08 - 5dt29846 - Bessans (73480)

Scathophaga lutaria

2017-04-27 - 5db26861 - Saint-Leu-la-Forêt (95320)

Scathophaga sp.

2010-04-15 - 5d039275 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2017-08-13 - 5db37999 - Bessans (73480)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2006-08-12 - 20d27231 - Bodø (N-8000)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2023-07-13 - 5dt28183 - La Forêt-Fouesnant (29940)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2021-06-20 - 5ds85826 - Brennilis (29690)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2008-10-28 - 5d025136 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2008-10-28 - 5d025282 - Cimetière de Montmartre (75018)

Scathophaga stercoraria

2020-07-01 - 5ds77905 - Cléden-Poher (29270)

Scathophaga stercoraria

Pierre Duhem — All rights reserved.
Questions and comments are welcome.
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